9th Habit

The simple yet highly compelling idea of 9th Habit is “I need to be continually SAVED and enable others to be continually SAVED. One of Jerry’s most uplifting talks which stimulates the mind, body, heart and soul, the 9th Habit is Jerry’s tribute to his most revered thought leader Dr. Stephen Covey and Jerry builds on “The 7 Habits” and “The 8th Habit” based on deeper learnings and insights gained from his learnings of Dr. Covey programs that he conducts and facilitates around the world.

With 9th Habit Jerry goes deeper into the layers of what principle - centred leadership means and how CHARACTER and NOT COMPETENCE is what is needed to take one beyond the mediocrity that most settle for.

The 9th Habit is the based on the LAW OF TRANSFORMATION and cover in-depth the concept of Character-Rooted Leadership. Jerry scientifically explains how Principles and Values are not just exotic and esoteric concepts, but have a deep impact on the brain and tour beliefs/emotions/behaviours and Jerry has deeply covered this in his SELF-HELP book moJOsh Inspirator and has also written white papers on this for the Franklin Covey Institute, where he is empaneled as a Subject Matter Expert on 7 Habits and Leadership research.

How each of us needs to be SAVED and then help others to get SAVED is the PREMISE of the 9th Habit. SAVED is an acronym for SKILLS, ATTITUDE, VALUES, ETHICS and DEEDS. In this talk Jerry explains how we need to unpack these 5 elements to UNDERSTAND the way to live a life of purpose, gratitude and daily contributions. This talk has inspiring, insightful and influential novel thoughts, where Jerry debunks popular ineffective concepts and spins/ explains real ideas that create effectiveness and productivity.

The 9th Habit also covers the 5 essential intelligences Physical, Mental (that most speakers/ coaches cover), Emotional, Spiritual (That very few speakers/ coaches cover) and Moral (that no one covers).

Jerry brings the concepts to life with TRUE STORIES of REAL HEROES and MAKES THE LEARNING REAL. Jerry,  who writes true stories of Real Heroes is  the only speaker who can tell these stories with conviction because of his research and first-person encounters/ engagement and thus unlike other speakers can explain this with TRUE STORIES and not just with fables or metaphors.